Burcu Çömelek / Bahcesehir University Faculty of Communication 3rd grader, Anadolu Group Corporate Communications Department intern

“A 21-year-old youngster who is a university student…

Believes that real happiness comes not from material values, but from spiritual emotions.

From the moment she started walking, she would skip from right to left on the road in order to not to crush the ants.

From the moment she had money in her pocket, she would buy something from the nearest market for those in need, who she saw on the streets (homeless people, stray animals).

As she grew older and became more aware, she learnt, unfortunately, that the things that would make her sad would not only be the stray animals which her mother would not let her bring home, the slugs which she accidentally crushed while walking in the dark of the night and her peers, who did not have toys or clothes, and who were even made to work, who she saw on the streets…” Read more →

Yaşar Şekerci / Anadolu Foundation scholarship student, Galatasaray University Faculty of Communication senior

There is an introduction to every article, and this introduction is comprised of generally valid definitions and assumptions. In order for us to be more sincere to each other, I want to keep you away from assumptions and generally valid statements in this article. In fact, I used a general statement in the first sentence, but I used a general statement in order not to have to make any further generalisations. Following a paradoxical introduction, I will endeavour to respond to the question of “how does the Y generation perceive the Z generation”, with my observations, experiences and scientific data. Read more →

Vladislav Mandryka / Senior Purchasing Specialist at Anadolu Efes Ukraine

During last 30 years procurement significantly changed due to active implementation of different e-technologies and globalization in the business life. As a result, we received an opportunity to achieve the significant advantages from computerization of whole «procure to pay process», starting from vendor selection and finishing by stock management via modern ERP-system.

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