Sezen Yurdalan / Anadolu Group Internal Audit Specialist

Skills required for internal auditors have expanded by changing and developing global business world. Nowadays, having solely technical skills is not enough. Being able to do their jobs more effectively, internal auditors need to bring more to the table: soft skills such as oral communication, interview abilities and active listening. These skills being personality quality characteristics and habit, distinguish ideal employee from standard employee. Read more →

Aykut Gümüşlüoğlu / Audit Coordinator at Anadolu Group

Humans, as a nature, are constantly being in search of something and evolving with broad inquisition consciousness in this process. We evaluate ourselves and what happens in our circle. Our inquisitive point of view evolves, transforms, and turns in a structured way.

The current and valid definition of internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. In other words, internal audit, as a function, is not an authoritarian supervision. Read more →