Aykut Gümüşlüoğlu / Audit Coordinator at Anadolu Group

Processes are parts of our lives and the basic dynamics that keep us alive in our existence struggle. Our life flow is divided into processes and each process with the sub processes become the base point of our existence and creating journey. In this context, if we link phenomenon we call life to processes, all goods, corporations, systems and even thoughts contains reflection of a process, as much as the living. For this reason, it is also important to know, control and develop the processes, to predict the point that the entity will reach. Read more →

Aykut Gümüşlüoğlu / Audit Coordinator at Anadolu Group

Humans, as a nature, are constantly being in search of something and evolving with broad inquisition consciousness in this process. We evaluate ourselves and what happens in our circle. Our inquisitive point of view evolves, transforms, and turns in a structured way.

The current and valid definition of internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. In other words, internal audit, as a function, is not an authoritarian supervision. Read more →