Our personal and social values, the values of our team and the values of our corporation make us who we are. When this bundle of values cooperate seamlessly like the parts of a watch, they create durable and sustainable role-model structures, which won’t stop for many years. That’s why we determined innovation as one of our prior values. Innovation is a challenge in its essence; it’s a result of teams who refuse the status quo and have courage to embrace future from now. Although such teams start their innovation journey with a clear target, the road they take is full of uncertainties. Let’s dream of a very rough road covered with dust clouds. To foresee what lies ahead and reach the end of the road is only possible by parting the dust clouds. Only a well-equipped team can deal with this level of uncertainty. A multidisciplinary team, which fosters different perspectives and not composed by members, who are not only technically competent but also demonstrate their individual desires to overcome problems, can reach the end of the road. Read more →