Yağız Yücel / Anadolu Group Corporate Affairs and Media Relations Supervisor

I have to admit that, eating has always meant more than simply filling my stomach for me. I believe that one should first satisfy the hunger of their eyes on the table. When I enter a restaurant, I always pay heed of every detail, including position of the tables, the pictures hanged on the walls, colour of handkerchiefs and whether or not the tableware are present on the table. Each and every one of these details is part of the whole that supports the taste of the dinner. This experience in whole is called “Fine dining” abroad. At most of the companies I worked, my interest in dining rituals has so far led me to usually eat my dinners at surrounding restaurants during lunch breaks. I would think on how I would make the most of the lunch that I had during the one-hour lunch break and the chatter that I would enjoy with my colleagues. All these worries of mine disappeared the day I joined the Anadolu Group. On my first work day, I said “this dining hall is a blessing to me”. I understood that the place is not simply a “dining hall”. Read more →