Orkun Demirhan / Çelik Motor - ikinciyeni.com Operation and Customer Relations Supervisor

I started working at Anadolu Group – Çelik Motor in 2014. Since then, in this family, which I belong to and I am content to be a part of, I was mostly impressed by the significance attributed to ethical principles and values like equality, justice, trust-worthiness, honesty and opportunities and the space provided to employee to pursue these goals. I feel like I have the chance to add a lot to my personal development and I am taken seriously with the opportunities provided to us in this workplace, especially in trainings, conferences and events. Throughout my career, I have attended various events from mentorship training to programs to raise managers thanks to Çelik Motor and I developed myself both in my private and professional life. These trainings attach responsibility to employees and support them so as to raise their motivation and pave the way for new dreams, to be followed by new projects. The key to our success is to have the opportunity to express our ideas freely, never to be scared to try and improve our services via projects in which we believe. Read more →

HurÅŸit Zorlu / Anadolu Group CEO
Anadolu Group Values

Corporate values have become more strategic and more significant than ever before for companies, both in stakeholder expectations and in their impact on corporate governance and purposes. Today, our customers, investors, the young people, who are candidates to join us as teammates, and countless other stakeholders do not only acknowledge us with what we do or what we produce and sell. Furthermore, they question the purpose of our existence as an organization, what values we represent, what kind of culture we create and what we aim for. In addition to the organization’s working principles, the values that are determinants of employee behavior, also shape the organization’s approach to different issues and its reactions to developments. At some point, values transformed into the principal criteria that determine the framework of activities and decisions and became an indispensable strategic management factor that influences how the organization conducts its business. Read more →

Anadolu Group

In our journey to become the star that links Anatolia to the world and the world to Anatolia, our most important priority as Anadolu Group, has always been the human being. We consider the elimination of all forms of discrimination in society as a necessity of sustainable development and most importantly as a fundamental human right. Particularly, we focus on studies that raise awareness about the added value of women workforce. We declare that “we are aware of the value that the women generate”, since we strongly believe that the world will be materially and spiritually developed when the influence of the women in decision making processes increases. Read more →

YaÅŸar Åžekerci / Garenta Marketing Representative

I want to talk about my Anadolu Group journey, which started as a scholar of the Anadolu Foundation and now continues as an employee of the Group.
I earned Anadolu Foundation scholarship in 2012 in reply to a letter I wrote with my own handwriting after enrolling to Galatasaray University in 2011. My involvement with the Foundation was not limited only to scholarship. I participated in activities organized by Anadolu Foundation to contribute to the personal development of scholarship students. These activities made me discover my talents and use my potential more effectively. Read more →