Şahika Ercümen / World Record Holder Free-diver

For me life began not when I took my first breath, but when I held it for the first time. This is my most important sentence concerning life… As a child, I could not even leave the house, let alone play sports. I had asthma and this was preventing me from even breathing comfortably. My mother used to wait by my side until the early hours and my doctor visits were never far away. However, when I went to swim in the sea in the summer I used to feel great. Read more →

Engin Özerhun / Anadolu Efes Sports Club General Manager

As Efes, we have started our journey in 1976 and this journey started a new era at Turkish basketball. During the past 38 years, we became the most successful Turkish team and created our own kind of basketball. We have experienced joys and privileges of being a team such as having the most Turkish League Championships and the first Turkish team to ever win a European Cup. Read more →