Seda Çınlar / Coca-Cola İçecek Group Sustainability Lead

Companies are beginning to realize more than ever that sustainability is more than a buzzword or a trend; it is a concept that directly influences the way they do business and has become more visible and drastic due to environmental and social issues induced by the climate crisis as well as human rights violations.

To achieve success in sustainability, a company needs to meticulously identify the expectations of its stakeholders in the value chain and the capital elements required for business continuity, rather than merely focusing on the social responsibility or environmental aspects of sustainability. This means that integrating sustainability into the business model and strategy is a critical factor for a company in terms of its strength, agility and sustainable growth. Read more →

Çiğdem Keskin / Anadolu Group Corporate Communications Manager

Today, sustainability awareness is growing as life around the globe transforms economically, environmentally, and socially. Access to information becomes easier as communication technologies develop. And it has now become essential that societies have continuous access to accurate information about global development to ensure a livable world for future generations. Read more →

Özge Paşaoğulları / Anadolu Group Audit Supervisor

The internal audit function in our group aims to add value to risk management and business by considering customer needs. Accordingly, audit also takes on the role of sharing experiences and observations in other companies and recommending new program and system establishment stages in order to spread implementations that will strengthen the efficiency and productivity throughout the group. Read more →

Gözde Gedik / Anadolu Group Internal Audit Specialist

The “competitive impact” of the free market economy from the beginning of the 2000s put forward the value of internal audit, and there was a significant increase in companies’ need for “value added” audit after the 2001 crisis. On the other hand, the companies need to be more productive and effective, regulatory compliance concerns and operational risks impact on profit speeded up the process of having a better understanding of the value of internal audit in today’s business world. Read more →