Terms of Use and Confidentiality Agreement

1. The Blog, ‘blog.anadolugrubu.com.tr’ (the “Blog”) is a blog which is prepared by the employees of AG Anadolu Grubu Holding A.Ş. and its affiliated companies (the “Anadolu Group”).
2. By entering the blog address and / or any page of the Anadolu Group website, you are accepting the terms set out below. If you do not accept the terms set out below please do not use this Blog or the related website.
3. The Anadolu Group carries no responsibility for any direct or indirect losses or expenses which may be incurred as a result of any error, disconnection, delay in transmission of information, computer virus, and line and / or system faults, which may develop during the use of the Blog.
4. The articles published within the blog, and the comments made to the articles belong only to those who have written them. The content of the articles and comments may not directly reflect the views, opinions and comments of the Anadolu Group.
5. The articles and images within the blog may be used in the printed and broadcast media, other blog forums, websites and social networks, without changing their meaning, and subject to the source being declared.
6. The Anadolu Group possesses the right to remove or change all of the articles within the blog and the contents of the pages, at any time and in any way it wishes.
7. All articles within the Blog are published “as is”, without giving any guarantees, and the correctness of the articles is not guaranteed by the Anadolu Group. The Anadolu Group is not responsible for any direct or indirect financial and moral losses or expenses arising from any possible errors or shortcomings in the articles / information contained within the Blog or web page, or any transactions carried out based on these articles / information, and any losses or expenses suffered by any third parties in any way whatsoever in this respect.
8. All of the copyrights for the design of the Blog, the materials required for this, and their organisation, is the property of the Anadolu Group. No person / organisation may use certain sections of the Blog in another website, or establish a link to another website from the Blog, without obtaining the prior written consent of the Anadolu Group.
9. This Blog may contain links to websites, forums, blogs or social networking channels which do not belong to blog.anadolugrubu.com.tr, are the property of third parties and are operated by these parties. The Anadolu Group does not accept any responsibility in connection with any written or visual content, information, products and services presented on these pages which are referred to as, and reached via external links.
10. The Anadolu Group Blog is open to the public, and you may share your opinions on the articles and / or the Anadolu Group with us and the other individuals who visit this Blog, through the comment sections situated under the articles within the Blog.
11. The Anadolu Group reserves the right not to publish the comments you send via the blog.anadolugrubu.com.tr address, if it deems these inappropriate to the concept of the Blog.
12. The Anadolu Group may alter the provisions of this hereby “Terms of Use and Confidentiality Agreement”, unilaterally and at any time it wishes. Any provisions of the “Terms of Use and confidentiality Agreement”, which have been altered by the Anadolu Group, will become effective on the date their implementation has been published.